God is More Gracious with Counsel than I Am

God is More Gracious with Counsel than I Am

God is More Gracious with Counsel than I Am What is your response when someone comes to you for counsel? Do you have a welcoming disposition? Does it make you feel affirmed, just a little bit? What about with those repeat “askers?” Do you think to yourself, what,...
A Gentle Touch

A Gentle Touch

A Gentle Touch In Luke: 7:11-17 Jesus and His Disciples Encounter the Funeral Procession of a window’s son as they are about to enter the town of Nain. Jesus and his disciples, as they are about to enter the Galilean town of Nain, encountered a funeral...
The Unspoken Love

The Unspoken Love

The Unspoken Love Why does it feel so strange,awkward, even, to tell another man, “I love you?”In this world, love is one word, but so many meanings.Eros. Philos. Agape.Three truths wrapped into one wordon our tongues, but each carries its weight. Love...
What Do People See in You?

What Do People See in You?

What Do People See in You? John Hess-Yoder was a missionary in Laos.  While overseas he discovered some historical facts about the area that pictures the Kingdom of God. Before the colonialists decided where the official boundaries of Laos and Vietnam would exist, the...
October 3. Drew Brees, US, Quarterback

October 3. Drew Brees, US, Quarterback

October 3. Drew Brees, US, Quarterback October 3. Drew Brees. Drew appears in the top five of many all-time greatest pro quarterback lists. He led the NFL in passing yards seven times and has 541 career-touchdown passes. He once threw a sixty-two-yard touchdown pass...