I know it may not feel like it in this moment, but you are known by God
Devotional 2025 Feb
by Troy Stoneking
Published on February 3, 2025
Categories: Devotions

I know it may not feel like it in this moment, but you are known by God.

I know it may not feel like it in this moment, but you are known by God. He had a plan for you from before you were conceived in your mother’s womb. He has always loved you, even before anyone else knew there was going to be a you.

Beloved sister or brother, you are not anonymous, you are not discarded, you are not without worth. You are a highly treasured creation of God Almighty! He made you because He loves you and wanted you to be filled with joy and purpose by following Him! What you can see in this moment is like the few word on this screen…but God sees and knows everything in your life, from before you existed throughout all of eternity. And He wants you also to see beyond what is right before your eyes, the circumstances and feelings that are holding you down, and to embrace the freedom of living in His comforting, loving presence whenever you choose to do so. Oh child, God has always known you and He has always loved you. Trust in His love and forever remain in it, just as He desires you to do.

And at the end of eight days,
when he was circumcised,
he was called Jesus,
the name given by the angel
before he was
conceived in the womb.
Luke 2:21 ESV


Troy Stoneking is a Jesus follower helping others recover the joy of the Lord in their life. Information Technology leader with extensive experience in team building, training, coaching, sales, and customer service in Clarksville, Tennessee, USA.

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