”Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” (1 Timothy 4:13)
One of the members of our church, Mark, moved away several years ago. To be sure, I hated to see he and his wife, Suzie, leave. Before he moved away, Mark worked for several years at a well known furniture store in our area. He was over the warehouse and was supervisor to over 100 men. Among others things, he and his crew made sure each customer’s furniture was loaded or delivered after their purchase.
Shortly after Mark had moved away, we purchased a chair from that same store. I’ll never forget a conversation I had that day with some of the guys I recognized from when Mark was there. I asked that group men around the loading dock. ,“Do you guys miss Mark Waters?” Several of them responded in unison, “Aw man! Yeah we miss him a lot!” I said, “Me too! I was Mark’s pastor for several years.” Then I asked, knowing exactly how they were going to answer, “Was he a good Christian example to you guys?” Without delay, several of the guys responded with with comments like, “Yes sir, pastor, he is such wonderful man!” And, “Oh, pastor, there’s no doubt he is Christian man!” And, “He was such an example to everybody!”
As I drove away from that loading dock, I thought, “Wow! That was so refreshing to hear!” How we need more Christian men like Mark today who’ll be a sermon in shoes! You see, I’m convinced that a sermon in shoes is more powerful than any sermon from a pulpit any day!
Probably everyone reading these words desires to have a godly influence upon others. But how is that accomplished? The answer is simple: through example. Paul told Timothy in our verse for today, “…be thou an example of the believers, in word (my language), in conversation (how I live), in charity (the love I show others), in spirit (my daily attitude), in faith, in purity (living holy).” Timothy was a young preacher. But more important than preaching, he was to be an example in his everyday life of what it means to be a godly man.
If you name the name of Christ, people will watch you like a hawk, to see if your walk matches your talk. If it doesn’t—if you let your tongue loose with foul language, if you listen and laugh at the dirty jokes, if you gossip about your boss and coworkers, if you lie, cheat, and backstab to get ahead—you will be quickly dismissed as just another Christian hypocrite.
But, if you present yourself as genuine and true (not perfect because no one is), others will take note and will respect you greatly, even if they don’t agree with you. You will have influence, first at home, then on your job, in your neighborhood, in your school, and in your church.
A godly example is a powerful witness for Jesus Christ! I read recently where Gandhi once said, “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” How sad, but how true so much of the time. Gandhi was looking for a godly example, but he found none.
A poem I like says this:
“I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day.
I’d rather you go with me than merely point the way.
The eye is a more ready pupil than ever was the ear.
Good advice is often confusing, but example is always clear.
I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day.” …unknown
As you take a long and sober look into your own heart today, what do you see? How is your example? If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Do the people you rub shoulders with each day see Jesus in you? Are you letting your light shine? If not, why not?
We live in a day when everything imaginable is “coming out of the closet” and impacting the world for evil! The perverseness and evil lifestyles we’re seeing promoted, put on display and pushed upon our children at school today are sickening and unbelievable!
It is past time for every believer to come out of hiding and impact the world for good!
I’m convinced more than ever the Lord is calling us to come out from among the world and be separate. The Bible says, “That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and PERVERSE nation, among whom ye SHINE AS LIGHTS in the (dark)world” (Philip. 2:15).
How do we shine as a lights? We must follow the Lord’s command to “be doers of the word, and not hearers only…” (James 1:22). Don’t just listen to sermons from the pastor every week. Go out and be a sermon for others to hear and see!
Determine to be a sermon in shoes! He has called us to be holy and live godly lives where we deal with sin and walk in the light with Jesus. God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit are available to each one of us. And only by His grace and power can we rise above our circumstances to be the shining examples He has called us to be.
By the way, after 8 years, Mark and Suzie have moved back to Madison. They’re back and serving the Lord in our church. And, just as importantly, Mark is back over the warehouse at the same furniture store. He’s busy every day, restocking, loading and making sure every customer is happy. But the most important thing he’s doing is being an example! He’s continuing to be a sermon in shoes to those working under him!
The world is watching. Your family, friends, neighbors, workmates and classmates are watching you and me too. I challenge you today and every day to be a sermon in shoes!
Think about it . . .
Doug Pierce is a Church planter and a pastor. In 2003 he started, and continues to pastor First Independent Methodist Church in Madison, Mississippi. His #1 priority is to glorify God in all aspects of ministry. He does this through teaching his congregation to Love God, Love One Another, and Love Others to God. Prayer, outreach, and church growth through evangelism are vital parts of his ministry. He and his wife Suzanne live in Madison, Mississippi where they also enjoy their children and grandchildren.
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