Let Thankfulness Become a Habit
Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.
– James 1:17
Everything we have; material possessions, food, shelter, family, friends, employment — all of it comes from God. We tend to forget this and therefore forget to be thankful on a daily basis.
A great practice is to immediately thank God for our rest and the new day the minute we wake up. Each day is a gift! The more we practice being thankful, thankfulness becomes a habit.
May God bless you today with good things and answers to prayer!
Bradley Hilton has always been a believer; it was in 2000 that he reaffirmed his faith and went all-in for Jesus. He felt a nudge from God to start a men’s group in his church. Influenced by this group he began a regeneration process that changed his life for a more active service for God. He began a newsletter to encourage others. Its growth resulted in a blog, The Daily Dose – Daily inspiration from God’s Word. Bradley and his wife, Michelle, share life together in Texas with their four children and two grandsons.