What is your Thanksgiving Family Tradition
I live in the Northwest. When we see the golden and red leaves falling from the trees we know the Thanksgiving holiday is near. Thanksgiving is a special time for families to get together, enjoy each other and the traditional Thanksgiving dinner. It is a good time to think about the many blessings we have experienced during the past year. At our house, we have a traditional candle lighting activity as we go around the table sharing about our special blessings for which we are thankful during the past year.
Our grandchildren are growing up in a self-absorbed culture where many think mostly of themselves and focus on all the things others do for them. It is good for the children to think and verbalize for what they are thankful for and to hear the adults share their thankfulness.
If we think we are the center of the universe, and everything revolves around us, then it is unlikely we will express much gratitude to God. On the other hand, if we acknowledge Him as the awesome creator of the universe, the all-powerful One, then this recognition will stimulate appreciation. When we realize that the Lord loves us and values us, our hearts should overflow in praise to Him.
Showing appreciation is of great importance in our relationships with others. We all need acknowledgment that we are of value. Appreciation brings a harvest of good feelings and blessings to the giver as well as the receiver.
During this Thanksgiving season, give thanks to God for His faithfulness to you and the children and grandchildren He has given you. Send a note or a Thanksgiving card to
express your appreciation to your loved ones for what they mean to you.
Let’s be an example to our grandchildren and encourage them to express their appreciation to others and to experience the blessings of giving and receiving appreciation.
Dear Father, help me to be sensitive to those whom I need to express my appreciation, especially my family members. Help me to be an encourager by recognizing the character qualities and achievements of others. In Jesus’ name. Amen
I would appreciate it very much if you would share some of your Thanksgiving family traditions in the comments below this article.
Lillian Penner is the author of Grandparenting with a Purpose: Effective Ways to Pray for Your Grandchildren in English and Spanish. It will challenge you and give you more creative ideas to pray intentionally for your grandchildren. She is on staff with the Christian Grandparenting Network prayer ministry, developing prayer cards, grandparents@Prayer groups, and the Grandparenting Day of Prayer. She has a passion for praying intentionally for her grandchildren and desires to share that passion with other grandparents. An avid blogger, Lillian breaks into smiles if you ask about her thirteen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. She and her husband, John, live in Portland, Oregon, where they are active in church ministries. They were both raised in Christian homes and desire to pass their godly heritage to their future generations. She and her husband enjoy traveling, Southern Gospel music but most of all, enjoy spending time with their family.
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