by Andrew Linder | Jul 31, 2023 | Grandparenting, Kids & Grandkids
The Positive Power of a Godly Teenager in a Child’s Life By Andrew Linder As a parent, one of the greatest blessings you can have in your children’s lives is godly role models for them to follow and look up to. Sometimes this can be grandparents and other relatives,...
by Jimmy Pruitt | Jul 31, 2023 | Devotions
You Know People You know people who are at every place on the spectrum of life. Some are in the darkest places where pain and grief are familiar friends. Others are living their best life on the mountain top. The Bible invites you to enter in to the emotional head and...
by Tom Swartzwelder | Jul 30, 2023 | Devotions
Where does the devil most take advantage of you? Where does the devil most take advantage of you? He knows your weakness probably better than you. He keeps probing here, probing there until he finally hits paydirt. Soon the weakness (singular) is identified as...
by John MacArthur | Jul 30, 2023 | Spiritual Growth
Truly Amazing Grace by John MacArthur Do you see your sin the way God sees it? Do you understand the way you offend your heavenly Father—on a daily basis—through your pride, selfishness, and greed? We’re too familiar with sin to appreciate the depth of our own...
by Andy Oldham Author | Jul 29, 2023 | Inspiration
One Special Gift By Andy Oldham If there is one thing I love about camping, it’s the freshness of the awakening. Such a memory of the moments at Versailles Lake, in Indiana brings a smile to my grin, when I think of watching the darkness abscond with its sounds...