What You Feed Will Lead
Devotional 2023 May Jun
by Jimmy Pruitt
Published on May 27, 2023
Categories: Devotions

What You Feed Will Lead

Simply put, whatever you feed will lead. Today, choices will be made which will determine whether the Spirit or the Flesh will dominate your thinking, your decisions and ultimately your actions. Choose wisely and enjoy life and peace.

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. Rm 8:5-6 ESV


Jimmy Pruitt is a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. As an idealist, his words are filtered through his spirituality with the expectation that he will encourage and inspire people to “Live Up in a Down World.” He is committed to being an authentic person in all he does. Because everyone has been through something, or is currently struggling, Jimmy believes the proper response to life is humility; it is the signature of Jesus bringing forth both pain and glory. He and his way better half, Annette, have been married for30 years. Agreeing their family is amazing, placing “Fun” in dys-Fun-ctional. They have three adult children and seven grandchildren that bless their lives beyond what they could ever dream. He is currently Lead Pastor at Bridge Church Fredericksburg, TX, and has started a new podcast titled: “Living Up in a Down Word – Making Faith real for the rest of us.”

Photo by Aaron Burden on Freely Photos


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