by Dave Foucar
Published on April 13, 2023
Categories: Resources

What Do I Say When Asked About Jesus?:

A Layman’s Perspective on Personal Evangelism and the Basics of the Christian Faith


“What Do I Say When Asked About Jesus?” is a conversational approach to answering the “what do I say?” question that so many people ask. Will we respond to our call to share the gospel with others? Or will we shy away from sharing because of fear? This overview of the basics of the Christian faith provides an easy to remember outline for sharing the gospel and the encouragement needed to include our own unique stories as part of the sharing. Full of anecdotes and examples shared from a life of service in the church, “What Do I Say When Asked About Jesus?” is a tool to help the everyday Christian share the gospel with others.

Read Introduction and Chapter 1 here:

About the Author

Dave Foucar has spent his career as a financial professional but his heart has always been in ministry. He has spent decades in lay leadership teaching Sunday School, Bible Studies, and Small Groups for all ages. He has been a lead speaker and seminar leader at Couples Retreats, Men’s Retreats, and Family and Youth Camps.

Dave’s first book, “What Do I Say When Asked About Jesus?” is a conversational approach to helping people answer questions about Jesus. Christians want to share their faith, or at least they should, but it is not always an easy task.

Dave has been married for thirty-five years to the love of his life, Debbie. They have three beautiful daughters. Each of them bringing immeasurable joy as they expand their families and careers.


“Church leaders looking for an excellent resource on how to share Christ will be encouraged by Dave Foucar’s new book, “What Do I Say When Asked About Jesus? A Layman’s Perspective on Personal Evangelism and the Basics of the Christian Faith.” This easy to read book describes how average people in the church can know the basics of the Gospel and share their faith effectively. The examples are from years of real life experiences sharing the Gospel. Dave is biblically solid; his applications are practical and sensitive to people who have questions. This book is very suitable for personal spiritual growth or as a small group or leadership development resource.”- Charlie Maloney, Senior Pastor Retired, Camarillo Christian Church-

“Just finished reading your book “What Do I Say When Asked About Jesus” on kindle and I’m looking forward to receiving the “book” copy that I ordered so I can flip through it more easily. It indeed was a very thorough layman’s perspective and guide for sharing the gospel. I appreciated the simple format, the study questions, the scripture references. I pray that those seeking a good discipling guide will respond to the title of your book.” -Linda Campell-

“Dave Foucar’s book is refreshing, to say the least. All throughout, Dave’s gift of teaching shines as he makes the theology of evangelism as accessible to believers as possible. The book is full of humor and practical wisdom – all while not lacking in deep Christian truth. “When Asked About Jesus” is a catalyst for all who desire to go and make disciples of all nations.” -Ryan Benson, Seminary Student-

Purchase: What Do I Say When Asked About Jesus, here!

Amazon 5 Star Reviews

For Christians who struggle to share their faith

Good book for Christians who struggle to share their faith. Foucar unpacks the obstacles, including obligation, lack of desire, fear, a sense of inadequacy, and anxiety about offending others. Through a three-part journey, he leads readers on a methodical path to sharing the gospel, equipping them with a simple acronym to apply to conversations. I appreciated the thoughtful structure and Questions and Reflections at the end of each chapter to solidify learning. -Ella Ritchie-

Insightful and practical guide to sharing ones faith

“What Do I Say When Asked About Jesus” is an insightful and practical tool for helping Christians in sharing their faith with others. Dave writes in such a way to be understood by both Christians and non-Christians alike, and his approach is genuine, honest and loving. It is easy reading but is a strong reminder of who we are, what our purpose is, and how we should go about sharing our faith. It is a reminder that we all have a story about the night and day difference that Jesus has made in our lives, and those stories are meant to be shared with others.

I would recommend this book to any Christian who is looking for ways to share their faith, to any small group wanting to make a difference, and to any non-Christian who is looking for answers about who Jesus is and/or who Christ followers are. -Kim K.-

Great resource on how to share Christ

This book is a treasure in equipping people to effectively share their faith with others in a biblical way and, to give an answer for the hope that we have in Christ. 1 Peter 3:15. I love the conversational nature of this book and the fact that it helps the average person (like me) with the tools and preparation needed to share the good news of the gospel with people I come into contact with. I can see this book as both a resource for individual believers and also for small groups and bible studies. I highly recommend the book! -Michael Littler-

An Excellent Overview of Sharing Our Faith

For a Christian, sharing your faith can be one of the most challenging commands of God. We feel nervous, we don’t want rejection, and maybe we feel inadequate in our knowledge. If that is you, this book is a an excellent training guide. The author covers the important topics of why we are to share our faith, why it is our command, and why people will want to hear. He then provides an outline for sharing your faith that is practical and easy to use. Finally, he offers advice on what to do after you help lead someone to Christ because the decision is not the end of the journey but only the beginning of a new journey. I recommend this book to encourage you in obedience to share with others what God has given you. -Emilie Grubaugh-

Couldn’t Put it Down!

Love this book as a resource and inspiration to live out my faith. With a conversational style, peppered with relatable anecdotes and supported by Biblical truths and passages, this book reaches the heart, mind, and soul. It is written in a way that is edifying to all who are interested in Christianity and following Christ. The questions/reflections at the end of each chapter are particularly helpful for personalizing the information, either individually or in a discipleship/Bible Study setting. -Brett M. Dingman-

Great Roadmap for Discipleship

Dave has written from his own learning and experience gained from his journey as a Christian. Using that learning he has laid out a clear roadmap and guide for responding to and guiding those who wish to be prepared to share their faith with others. Not only is it an excellent guide for this purpose, being annotated with supporting Biblical references and quotations, it is simply a wonderful spiritual reflection and renewal for any Christian. -Ron Cowan-

Unapologetically personal, unwaveringly practical, and uncompromisingly biblical …

I’ve read many books on personal evangelism and written two myself. Dave has done a fantastic job in this sure to be timeless classic. I highly recommend! -PCBC-

A very helpful book for sharing ones faith

This book helped me answer questions from other people about my faith. The advice is laid out clearly and offers practical answers and ideas that can easily be used. -Marsh-

Practical & Compelling!

I received this book as a gift and even though I’ve been a Christian for many, many years it reminded me afresh to actively share my faith. I appreciate the thoroughness and the memorable approach. Well worth the read! Ideal for new believers and long time believers alike. -Sister Marvetti-

Excellent discussion on evangelism.

Dave Foucar’s book, What Do I Say When Asked About Jesus? offers a wonderfully refreshing discussion about one of the basic tenants of Christianity. I often have been a bit intimidated by the subject of evangelism even after receiving church instruction and training for it. This book starts by looking at the ‘why’ of telling others about Jesus, moves through the preparation stages, and offers real-life encouragement and examples of sharing our faith and the gospel. I especially like the approach the author takes in his presentation; he teaches without preaching and does so in a friendly conversational manner. The book offers a series of thought-provoking questions at the end of the chapters that reinforce what we learned and promote reflection, making the book a valuable work or guidebook. Another feature of the book I consider valuable is the use of specific Bible citations to support the author’s thoughts and the handy reference section at the end of the book. This book will inspire those new to share their faith with others as well as those who need a refresher course. -Craig Ruhl-


Anyone who is a [devout] Christian believes, knows, and accepts that Jesus had died on the cross for their sins, who sometimes want to share their faith with others needs to have a guidebook in how to go about doing it. I found “What Do I Say When Ask About Jesus?” an excellent guidebook for anyone desiring to share the Lord with others and take the interactions to a higher level. -Robin Leigh Morgan-

The best way I’ve found to share the Lord with others during my journey to be a good Christian woman is to incorporate my own life experiences in what I am sharing. While I essentially have no difficulties doing this in a written format, I encounter issues when I am doing it face-to-face with someone, as I have difficulties remembering the appropriate Scriptures I should be using at my age.

I found “What Do I Say When Asked About Jesus?” to be an excellent resource, especially since the author, Dave Foucar, has written it as a conversational guidebook to anyone who possesses considerations as I have. The author offers his readers an easily rememberable framework in which to share the words of the Lord that have gotten written using layman terminology.

The author designed this book to help get rid of any trepidation an individual might possess in their desire to share the Lord with others. This is why I’ve given Mr. Foucar 5 STARS for his endeavor here. -Robin Leigh Morgan-

Great for Creating a Conversation about Christ – with Lots of Scriptural Back-up

I strongly recommend this book for those looking to engage others in conversations about Christ. In a well-written book, Dave presents an easy to follow model for preparing, sharing and following up on those people we care about knowing Christ. Each of his steps can be easily memorized and used, and for each one he provides a large amount of Scripture and a number of Biblical principles on how our role is to start the conversation, and the Holy Spirit’s job to convict and convert. This book would be good for small groups or Sunday School classes (what appears to be its genesis) and will leave the readers more confident – Santa Barbara Russ-

Purchase: What Do I Say When Asked About Jesus, here!


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