By Doug Pierce
“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.” Psalm 32:8
A man who was so intrigued with some of the very unusual names of real towns across America decided one day he would personally visit each one. He sat down and wrote out his itinerary. First, he would start his journey to the southwest United States in a dusty little town called, Why, AZ. Then, after leaving the town of Why, he would head cross-country to a place called, Uncertain, TX. From there, he planned to go northeast and take a rest stop in Dismal, TN. Then, ultimately, after the Dismal visit, he would reach his final destination of Panic, PA. Wow! Does that sound like an exciting journey, or what? And though not one of us would ever choose to go on a trip that would take us to those real places where people actually live, sometimes that man’s itinerary sounds a lot like our life’s journey. It’s the familiar journey everyone one of us have taken when we create our own itinerary and turn from God’s way. Believe it or not, there’s another place called Assurance, West Virginia. It’s about 6 hours from Panic, PA. And the name of that place is a wonderful reminder of the assurance the Lord will give us when we trust His promise, “I will guide thee with mine eye.”
I’m firmly convinced, from my own experience and watching others, the key to the Lord guiding your life rests entirely upon asking and honestly answering this question: “Am I truly willing to allow the Lord to guide me?” You have His personal promise to guide you. The problem in getting His guidance lies in the surrendering of our wills to His will. He will guide you, but His guidance is conditional. Jesus said, “If any man WILL do His will, he shall know…” (John 7:17). Many people want to serve God, but only in an advisory capacity. But the Lord will not guide rebels. The bottom line issue is . . . will you trust Him? Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust the Lord with ALL of your heart…and He shall direct your paths.” I trust my wife with all of my heart. If she were to ask me, “Will you do something for me?” I wouldn’t answer, “Well it’s according to what it is.” No. My answer would be yes because I trust her completely! Can you say yes to the Lord’s will even before He reveals it to you? If so, He will guide you! Remember Jesus’ promise, “IF a man WILL do His will, he shall know…” I believe if you are willing to do God’s will, He will not let you miss His will!
1. The WORD of God.
God’s Word is God’s will. Psalm 43:3 says. “O send out Thy light and Thy TRUTH: let them lead me.” Ask yourself, “Am I obeying the Lord in the areas He’s already clearly revealed in His Word?” Why should He guide us in what we’re unsure about when we’re not obeying Him in what He’s already made clear in His Word?
2. The PEACE of God.
In Colossians 3:15 we’re told, “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts…” The word “rule” literally means, “to umpire”. When we pray for guidance, the Spirit of God will guide just like and umpire in a baseball game. God’s Spirit will let us know within our hearts if a decision is “safe” to make or if we are “out” of God’s will by deciding wrongly.
3. The PROVIDENCE of God.
God is sovereign! God is in control! He opens and closes doors. He guides through circumstances when those circumstances line up with His Word and He gives us His peace about the door to walk through or walk away from. Pray and watch for His guidance through doors of opportunity only He might open.
4. The PEOPLE of God.
Proverbs 11:14 says, “…but in the multitude of counsellors, there is safety.” God will guide you through godly people (pastors, parents, friends) who know His Word and are filled with His Spirit. Look to and listen for God’s guidance through the counsel of others around you!
Someone described our day as “A day of guided missiles and misguided men.” Never has there been a time when we needed God’s guidance more than the times in which we live! Are you facing a decision today and you’re unsure of what to do? Does it seem like your life is wandering aimlessly with no purpose or direction? His personal promise to you at this very moment is, “I will guide thee with mine eye.”
I heard someone say, “You can’t steer a parked car!” Put it in “drive” today! Do your part! Step out by faith …surrender your will and trust Him! When you do, He will guide you with His all seeing eye! Refuse to live in panic. Choose to live in assurance! God is faithful! He will guide you!
Think it over . . .
Doug Pierce is a Church planter and a pastor. In 2003 he started, and continues to pastor First Independent Methodist Church in Madison, Mississippi. His #1 priority is to glorify God in all aspects of ministry. He does this through teaching his congregation to Love God, Love One Another, and Love Others to God. Prayer, outreach, and church growth through evangelism are vital parts of his ministry. He and his wife Suzanne live in Madison, Mississippi where they also enjoy their children and grandchildren. To find out more about Doug‘s ministry visit the FIMC Website