by Dennis Lee | Jul 31, 2022 | Devotions
Never Run Dry How many times have we said that we’re running on empty, or that we’re all burned out? We use these phrases to indicate that we’re all used up and that there’s nothing left. We can’t do another thing and we’re ready to quit. But in the Lord, there’s no...
by Bruce Cooper | Jul 31, 2022 | Spiritual Growth
Should the Church Get Involved in Social Issues and Causes? By Bruce Cooper If ever there was a time when social unrest and disagreement is prevalent, it surely has to be now. I ran across an interesting overview that questions how Christians should react to social...
by Alan Kearns | Jul 30, 2022 | Devotions
In His Hands “For I am the Lord your God, who upholds your right hand,Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you.’ Isaiah 41:13 (NASB) The last couple of days have been lovely spring days in Fife. The sun is shining, birds are singing and if feels pleasantly...
by David Ettinger | Jul 30, 2022 | Spiritual Growth
Glorying in Your ‘Living Hope’ By David Ettinger Dark Days I heard a particularly gruesome story on the radio about the death of a child. I will spare you the details, but suffice it to say that it is fresh evidence on just how low the human race continues to sink. It...
by Dr. Michael Sprague | Jul 29, 2022 | Devotions
THE HOPE OF HEAVEN A woman went to her pastor, a man named Bishop Bergrave, and asked him, “What is death like for the Christian?” He told this story… Once there was a peasant man who had a wife and a young son. One morning the man said he was going to the neighboring...