I Am a Parable

I Am a Parable

 I Am A Parable It’s Official: my life is a parable. Going from Just the Church (Building) to I AM the Church I can clearly picture Jesus standing in His boat facing the crowd and using some of my most profound mistakes to lead the people toward conviction and...
The Hard Work of Being A Good Father

The Hard Work of Being A Good Father

The Hard Work of Being a Good Father Thank you for the music, and your stories of the road. Thank you for the freedom when it came my time to go. Thank you for the kindness, and the times when you got tough. And, Papa, I don’t think I’ve said, “I love you”...

Letters of Faith

Letters of Faith My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. 1 John 2:1a (NASB) There was a time when people wrote letters with paper, ink and stamps for postage. It wasn’t as instant as email or text, it took time to compose your...